Montag, 22. April 2013

Laser Beam

Hello my friends

Recently there's nothing worth talking about in my life, it's just everyday life - university, cleaning the apartment, spending time outside with friends or boyfriend because FINALLY it's spring!
I try to sew clothes for my dolls which is fun, but I'm just not good enough and hardly ever satisfied with anything I sew.
Oh, and I play tennis, yes :D It's sooooo much fun! After playing you get the best feeling in the world.

Since that's all I have to talk about, I want to share a song I really like!
It's a tenipuri-song, but NO Tenimyu this time! Instead, here are the Seiyuus/ the real voices of the Anime characters of Prince of Tennis singing!! It's funny because well - in Tenimyu the actors/ singers have to look like the Anime characters, with same hairstyle, items like glasses or band-aids, similar hight and so on. The Seiyuu instead just look like themselves (since Yukimiura's Anime-voice is female, it's the woman singing here! She's so cute!).
They still wear their real unforms, Rikkaiddai's unforms, though. And well.. they may not look like the Anime characters, but I can't help but feel more impressed by them singing then watching Tenimyu, LOL.


(Yes, I don't know why, but Youtube doesn't let me post it as 'video' this time, no matter what I do.

Bye-bye :3

Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

Pair items.

Sometimes I wonder how it would be if my boyfriend and me would have "pair items" (Can you call it like that in English? I don't even know how to call it in German DX).
Actually I would like to hear your opinion about it!

Pair rings, pair bracelets, T-Shirts, whatever...
Recently I saw or heard of many couples having pair items, even if they're together just for one month or so! It seems to be a common thing for couples.

My boyfriend and me are together for quite a while now I guess... but there's no such thing we could call a pair item. There never was!

Some people even have songs which they call "their songs" and we don't have that. And we don't have a "perfect date" in our memory (Oh, maybe I do, but when I asked him he just said "All our dates are perfect" which is cute but.... but. XD)

Whatever we have a good relationship and we live together and are very happy... but sometimes I wish we had at least one pair item... sometimes I say "Let's buy pair rings", but that's stupid because I have a metal allergy. And I have the feeling he thinks pair items are lame and there's no need to buy a proof of love when the hearts of two persons are connected. Which is right I guess, but... but. (I'm still a girl you know? I think pair items are cute ;O; )

Anyway have a nice day <3~

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

Yudan sezu ni ikou.

Hello ^^/)

I'm having wonderful days at home, eating lots of delicious meals everyday and doing what I want to do.
Awwwww I'm seriously getting a bit fat lately!!! I don't care though. Once I'm back to Berlin I'll make a diet and eat only healthy things.

Anyway what I wanted to tell you is that I finally decided to do something useful in my life! One thing that I want to do since about one year. I wrote about it here, it's really the thing I want to do the most! And now I'm going to do it!!

What am I talking about?
It's tennis!!

I finally had the guts to sign up for a tennis course at university, yaaaaay~
I'm not good at sports and I'm shy and I'm afraid already - but I'm happy!!

Oh, and recently I'm playing "Gakuensai no Oujisama" every night, the dating game I was writing about before. I LOVE IT!!
I made Sengoku my new boyfriend:

He's one of my favorite characters of tenipuri <33 It was so nice to be able to talk to him and date him, hahaha!

Well, who's gonna be my next target?
I'm also planning to play "Uta no Prince-sama" soon. Anyone of you ever played it??

Bye-bye and have a nice day!

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

Nothing really really.

Hey~ ♥

How are you? Are you okay? Winter doesn't want to end this year... I hope you're all well and please take care not to catch a cold.

Tomorrow is my last day in Berlin until university starts... yaaaaaay~ I won't miss you Berlin, I like you, but I won't miss you XD"
Before that I try to meet up with my best friend Ang and maybe buy some Easter presents for my family! I'll also buy a Japanese Gyaru magazine I guess... I really enjoy reading them and I'll be so bored without anything to read in the bus on friday ;O;

Anything else? I'll dye my hair! (Or rather my boyfriend will dye it). I'm sick of brown hair! I ALWAYS have brown hair! Even when I try to change it I actually realize that brown hair suits me best D: BUT I'll challenge myself again and die it red ♥  I may show you the result ;)

OK. That's all, no photo today. MAYBE I should upload a photo of my boyfriend soon. He used my make-up and took some photos of himself (He wanted to practice 'L'-Cosplay). He looked like Plastic Tree's Ryutarou SO MUCH!! In my opinion Ryutarou (in his earlier years) is the hottest guy on earth XD

OK, bye-bye.

Freitag, 22. März 2013

I want you to color my world

Hey folks!!

It has been a while... >_<

Currently I'm really busy with writing a seminar paper for University. I'm supposed to write two actually, but I think I'll just finish the one I'm writing on without even starting to write the second one. I'm a loser D:

Besides writing (actually I don't spend so much time on writing it. It's just... sitting in front of the computer, mourning "Oh nooooo... I don't want to write anymore... blahblah" and then it's already the next day. LOL) one of my best friends, my dear Vanessa who lives in London now, came here to visit me <3 We really had a fun time!! I miss her already and hope to be able to see her again soon!

Next thing is, I'm going to go home next week - finally!! I can't describe how much I want to go to my family's house! I miss my family so much, especially my mother ;_; I kind of regret living so far from home.
I'll also be able to see all my lovely friends again <3 Oh, did I tell you that one of my best friends from school came here to visit us, too? Well actually she had to take a test here in Berlin and took the chance to come and live with us for a while. It was fun and we watched horror movies almost every evening XD! Unfortunately I had to study for tests while she was here.

What else?
I think my life is really boring right now. I just don't want to go on living like that. Sorry for sounding negative, but I feel like I definitely have to change something. And I will!
Let's see what I can do XD

So... that's all for now?! OK, let me post a photo because posts without photos are boring.

My fb friends have seen it already but... that's me when we went to the book fair in Leipzig last weekend. Sadly, I'm the person in boring clothes on the left :( But but but on the right is such a beautiful cosplayer who cosplayed Anri from Adekan <3 You know that I LOVE Adekan right? *_*;

So have a good night and a wonderful weekend! I'll try to write again soon.

Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

Not a zombie anymore!

I've got a life again.
I've got my life back.


I'm so happy that I don't have to study anymore because I'm just exhausted! Finally holidays!
Today I went to meet some doll-friends and yesterday my bf and me went out for lunch with my best friend and another darling friend <3
Things - and my mood- can change so quickly!!
Maybe I can start posting properly again now! (Well... I'd rather say the usual otaku shit :D)

Also, sorry for spaming you with my dolls pics, but I just love them so please bear with Liberty today ;) <3

Have a nice sunday, all of you!

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

Mystery Virgin

I received it yesterday evening, finally!!

I was like kyaaaaah and ahhhhhh and awwwwwww~ when I unwrapped it LOL.
Since university is killing me at the moment, I didn't have time to watch/ listened to all versions yet, but I watched the making of the "Mystery Virgin" PV!
It's really sweet...! I like it that Yamada seems to miss the others so much! And he's really talking a lot about them, so cute. He's especially talking a lot of good and funny things about Yuya, which I liked because Yuya is my second favorite member! It's also really nice that Yuya and Daiki encouraged him to accept the solo project!

Besides talking about the others, he's doing funny things as always. He was like "What do you think it is?" with his jacket, and when he pointed at this arm he was like "Oh, it's clothes" LOL. (and when he talked about his private clothes which looks similar to the one in the video I knew immediately which one he was talking about <3) And he says "Music Virgin" instead of "Mystery Virgin" two times! XD I really love him being funny because it feels like he's showing his true self to us then.

Oh, there came a quiz with the CD, well rather a... what should I call it... photo? When you put a special file on this photo, you should be able to read something, but all I can read is "YA - SU" really! That's so funny because my name is Su... awwwww, my husband dedicated his solo single to me <33 (But really, what does YA - SU mean? Am I blind?)

Well my opinion to his solo project is: The song is wonderful! Exactly the kind of songs I love. Couldn't have been better!
Anyway I hope that his solo project makes him a bet less outstanding in JUMP. I don't know how to explain it, but I want the other members to get more attention! (Yamada always gets most of the attention, so now that he's got a solo project where's getting all the attention, I want media to focus on the other members of JUMP).
Oh, and! Yamada has been telling us that he's not using make-up, that his face is just the way it is blahblahblah. Baby, don't be such a liar! I think he's actually using to much eyeshadow and make-up! Hahaha... he's not a girl... He's beautiful without it, too!

OK, I'll go back to studying now. Have a wonderful Saturday!

Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013

Just Shirou

Sorry for not posting recently... I feel so lazy these days!
So forgive me and give Shirou some love...

Good night >_<~ <33

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013

Love in Snow - Liberty


Is everyone OK out there? It's so cold in Berlin D:

Today I just want to share some photos I took today. I took photos of one of my dolls, Liberty. I love him so much, he's living with me 5 years already <3
Taking photos of him is always fun because he's such a good poser and he can stand on his own, lol.
Today it was so cold though, while taking the photos I couldn't feel my fingers anymore!

Anyway, some pictures, I hope you like him (and most of him know him already anyway)

Sorry for spamming, and have a good night!

Freitag, 11. Januar 2013

You are moonlight...

Awww awww awww... what can I say?
It's Moonlight!!! It's my beloved Moonlight... the reason for my blog's address :)

Seriously, I never thought they'd release it's PV. This song is so old already! And now it's part of Yamada's first solo single (that may be the reason why the video is called "Mystery Virgin". It's not Mytsery Virgin, it's Moonlight though!)

Can't wait to get my copies of the CD's and DVD's. Please, yesasia, please be quick!

Oh, he can always cheer me up!

edit: I've never heard the second part of this song before actually! I think it came out only just now!?
I love the lyrics *O*

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

Yumetenbo Love!

My clothes from Yumetenbo arrived today о(ж>▽<)y ☆
Or rather... I had to go and get them at the customhouse... </3

I'm really happy about that. I'm in love with Yumetenbo recently, and I'd love to buy Yumetenbo's clothes only, but it's impossible because shipping and taxes are expensive.

Anyway, finally new clothes for me!!! Since I'm getting Bafoeg I'm having a better life! I wasn't able to buy anything at all about two months ago.

The clothes I bought are really lovely and worth buying it! There's just one problem - I'm slimmer than I thought and almost all of the things I bought are kind of too big for me (one is a bit tight though lol) ;_; I could sell some of them because there are quite some people that like Yumetenbo... but I don't want to give them away!

And so I'll wear them, even if they're a bit big ヽ(;´ω`)ノ
And I may post some photos of them here, should I?

And now I should go on doing university stuff.
Ough, studying doesn't fit a person like me, really...

Good Night <3

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013

Received goods and betrayed Yamada-kun.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year!
Let's make it a good one :)

I really liked 2012, but many people said that they're happy it's 2013 now. I hope those people will have a better year!
I also hope all of you had a nice New Year's Eve? I did! I spent it with my boyfriend and best friend and tons of food - Happiness 100%!

AND... I'm even happier now because I FINALLY received yesasia's package!!!

Both JUMP DVDs and Yuma's Single, yatta!!
I already started watching it a bit, but two friends from University will come soon to do some study so I have to continue it later... or tomorrow... or something >O<

I dreamed something really weird this night!
In my dream I was almost together with Yamada-kun as a couple!
BUT I suddenly fell in love with Kikuchi Fuuma from Sexy Zone :O
... because his body is hot LOL...!! That was the reason to fall in love with him in my dream. And in the end - I chose Fuuma instead of Yamada-kun!!

I feel guilty.

I should stop reading MYOJO I guess /D

OK, have a nice day <33