Montag, 22. April 2013

Laser Beam

Hello my friends

Recently there's nothing worth talking about in my life, it's just everyday life - university, cleaning the apartment, spending time outside with friends or boyfriend because FINALLY it's spring!
I try to sew clothes for my dolls which is fun, but I'm just not good enough and hardly ever satisfied with anything I sew.
Oh, and I play tennis, yes :D It's sooooo much fun! After playing you get the best feeling in the world.

Since that's all I have to talk about, I want to share a song I really like!
It's a tenipuri-song, but NO Tenimyu this time! Instead, here are the Seiyuus/ the real voices of the Anime characters of Prince of Tennis singing!! It's funny because well - in Tenimyu the actors/ singers have to look like the Anime characters, with same hairstyle, items like glasses or band-aids, similar hight and so on. The Seiyuu instead just look like themselves (since Yukimiura's Anime-voice is female, it's the woman singing here! She's so cute!).
They still wear their real unforms, Rikkaiddai's unforms, though. And well.. they may not look like the Anime characters, but I can't help but feel more impressed by them singing then watching Tenimyu, LOL.


(Yes, I don't know why, but Youtube doesn't let me post it as 'video' this time, no matter what I do.

Bye-bye :3

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