Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

My son Shirou


How are you? Did you have a nice Christmas? I hope so!

My Christmas was good, but I missed my family. At least my brother was with us, it was a fun week, although I had to work a lot... and tomorrow, too D:

I was finally able to get one of my beloved dolls back, and it came on Christmas Eve. I was so happy, and I'm still happy now. Haven't seen him in ages, because I had to sell him when I went to Japan ;O; Being able to buy him back made me so happy! I just love him and his beautiful face.

Here he is, his name is Shirou.

I want to sew clothes for him and take lots of photos soon!
I own two more dolls, and will get back another one soon, I hope. Then my doll family, consisting of 4 members will be complete again <33 (I actually used to have one more doll, but I won't get it back and well, I don't want it back because it fits it's new owner so much better)

If you look dolls, I could post some more photos some time.

Anyway, take care and have a nice party tomorrow :D

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Happy Birthday my Baba-Baby-Muffin~ ♫ and Ren-san

I want to blog about so many things, but somehow I never do it... >O<

But today it's my Muffin's birthday which I have to celebrate with an entry at least! It's almost over though, and in Japan, it already is (-_☆)

Anyway, Happy Birthday Baba Ryouma-sama ♥ !!!

What would Tenimyu be without him as Tezuka?! What would Go Busters be without him, Takumi-kun, Tokyo Ghost Trip, Miss Boys, and many more?

Happy Birthday to such a great great great actor ♥

And yeah, I'm one day late, his birthday was yesterday, but...

Happy belated Birthday Yagami Ren-saaaaan~!!
 For him goes the same... he's a wonderful actor and he's really really really the hottest character in Ghost Trip!
I recommend it to all of you - watch it and you'll fall for him, haha! ♥

Ok, and now the best news (no news to me anymore but...) they'll be in a drama together next year, together with more awesome actors... it's about the Shinsengumi!! Perfect much!

Please, come out soon, I'm dieing already.
Thank you.