Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

Not a zombie anymore!

I've got a life again.
I've got my life back.


I'm so happy that I don't have to study anymore because I'm just exhausted! Finally holidays!
Today I went to meet some doll-friends and yesterday my bf and me went out for lunch with my best friend and another darling friend <3
Things - and my mood- can change so quickly!!
Maybe I can start posting properly again now! (Well... I'd rather say the usual otaku shit :D)

Also, sorry for spaming you with my dolls pics, but I just love them so please bear with Liberty today ;) <3

Have a nice sunday, all of you!

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

Mystery Virgin

I received it yesterday evening, finally!!

I was like kyaaaaah and ahhhhhh and awwwwwww~ when I unwrapped it LOL.
Since university is killing me at the moment, I didn't have time to watch/ listened to all versions yet, but I watched the making of the "Mystery Virgin" PV!
It's really sweet...! I like it that Yamada seems to miss the others so much! And he's really talking a lot about them, so cute. He's especially talking a lot of good and funny things about Yuya, which I liked because Yuya is my second favorite member! It's also really nice that Yuya and Daiki encouraged him to accept the solo project!

Besides talking about the others, he's doing funny things as always. He was like "What do you think it is?" with his jacket, and when he pointed at this arm he was like "Oh, it's clothes" LOL. (and when he talked about his private clothes which looks similar to the one in the video I knew immediately which one he was talking about <3) And he says "Music Virgin" instead of "Mystery Virgin" two times! XD I really love him being funny because it feels like he's showing his true self to us then.

Oh, there came a quiz with the CD, well rather a... what should I call it... photo? When you put a special file on this photo, you should be able to read something, but all I can read is "YA - SU" really! That's so funny because my name is Su... awwwww, my husband dedicated his solo single to me <33 (But really, what does YA - SU mean? Am I blind?)

Well my opinion to his solo project is: The song is wonderful! Exactly the kind of songs I love. Couldn't have been better!
Anyway I hope that his solo project makes him a bet less outstanding in JUMP. I don't know how to explain it, but I want the other members to get more attention! (Yamada always gets most of the attention, so now that he's got a solo project where's getting all the attention, I want media to focus on the other members of JUMP).
Oh, and! Yamada has been telling us that he's not using make-up, that his face is just the way it is blahblahblah. Baby, don't be such a liar! I think he's actually using to much eyeshadow and make-up! Hahaha... he's not a girl... He's beautiful without it, too!

OK, I'll go back to studying now. Have a wonderful Saturday!