Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

Yumetenbo Love!

My clothes from Yumetenbo arrived today о(ж>▽<)y ☆
Or rather... I had to go and get them at the customhouse... </3

I'm really happy about that. I'm in love with Yumetenbo recently, and I'd love to buy Yumetenbo's clothes only, but it's impossible because shipping and taxes are expensive.

Anyway, finally new clothes for me!!! Since I'm getting Bafoeg I'm having a better life! I wasn't able to buy anything at all about two months ago.

The clothes I bought are really lovely and worth buying it! There's just one problem - I'm slimmer than I thought and almost all of the things I bought are kind of too big for me (one is a bit tight though lol) ;_; I could sell some of them because there are quite some people that like Yumetenbo... but I don't want to give them away!

And so I'll wear them, even if they're a bit big ヽ(;´ω`)ノ
And I may post some photos of them here, should I?

And now I should go on doing university stuff.
Ough, studying doesn't fit a person like me, really...

Good Night <3

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