Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012

Stage plays

Yesterday I went to see my friend acting in a stage play together with my Mum and my friend's boyfriend.
It was hilarious! Glad I came to watch it.
My friend is so sweet and she's a nice actor!

It reminded me of watching a stage play in Tokyo a few month ago. 'Fushigi na machi no oujisama' with Watanbe Daisuke and Hamao Kyosuke! If you either now Takumi-kun (they're Gii and Takumi) or Tenimyu (as Tezuka-kun and Eiji-kun) you should know them.

I really loved that play and it's story and characters and now I really wanna watch it again!
There's a dvd, right? Ame-chan, just buy it dude :D

 Oh, and can anyone stop me from being hyper-addicted to Momokai? :/

2 Kommentare:

  1. bibiii! as war sooooo toll! bis jetzt kann man die dvd noch net kaufen.. leider

    1. Jaaaaa Aldah, sooo toll!
      Will nochmal... am Besten noch mit Baba, Kane-chan, Motohiro, and so on! (Rensan und Kubota Yuki sind eher utopisch? xD)

      Ah schade... hoff die kommt noch raus oder wird gebraucht verkauft >_<
