Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

I'm from Hyoutei Gakuen

Last night I had a weird dream.

I dreamed, that I was Shishido Ryou from Hyoutei from Tenipuri. And I was going to live together in an apartment with Ohtori Choutaro.

I mean I love Shishido x Ohtori  lots, but why am I dreaming that I am Shishido?
(I think my character is more similar to Ohtori btw lol)

So cute!

Anyway, I'm really going to move into an apartment, and it's the same as the one in the dream. I fell in love with it and I got it and signed the contract for it yesterday!
I'm really happy!

2 Kommentare:

  1. hi,,, you got funny dream there.. it's so cool :D
    by the way, I think my character more similar to Ootori, too. but my birth date more similar to Shishido 8D

    1. Hey, how are you? :)
      Nice to meet you!
      Yeah it was funny... I'm too obsessed wih tenipuri XD;
      Oh your birthdate is similar to Shishido's?
